Women Ignite, sound & light show produced by WAC in Houston, Texas. 1992
Louder than Words: A W.A.C. Chronicle by Tracy Ann Essoglou, last chapter in
But Is It Art?: The Spirit of Art as Activism, ed. Nina Felshin, Bay Press, 1995.
"The path to a less alien future demands that we be self-critical and self-educating, examining our
motivations, understanding that comfort and discomfort often indicate sites of privilege, including safety, access, freedom and social value. In making distinctions, it will in the end, be the quality of
our logic, not the quality of our intentions, that will ultimately make meaningful communication and revolutionary collaboration possible."
- Concluding paragraph: Louder Than Words: A W.A.C. Chronicle, Tracy Ann Essoglou, 1994.
PDF: http://www.academia.edu/11211089/Louder_Than_Words_A_W.A.C._Chronicle_by_Tracy_Ann_Essoglou_--_from_But_Is_It_Art_The_Spirit_of_Art_as_Activism_edited_by_Nina_Felshin_and_Bay_Press